September 9, 2021 CAC Living Water Devotional : Topic - POWER OF PRAYER

--> Note :- Are you born again? You are never going to win the battle against the devil if you are not born again. I plead with you to give your life to Jesus today because the longer you stay in sin and remain unsaved, the more hardened your nature becomes against the purpose and the way God wants you to be for His purpose. To give your life to Jesus now, say this prayer: “Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus. I know that I am a sinner and I cannot save myself but Jesus died for me and shed His blood that I might be saved. Today, I accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Jesus, I ask You to come into my heart, be my Lord, wash me with Your blood and make me whole. I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is my Lord. Thank You for saving me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.” I congratulate you and welcome you to the family of God if you have sincerely said that prayer. Now you are fit to discover, know and walk in your destiny. Call our helpline on +2348037252124, Join Our Daily Whatsapp Devotionals Group : +2347033046607 for Daily Devotionals, crucial discipleship and counselling.s"

September 9, 2021 CAC Living Water Devotional : Topic - POWER OF PRAYER 

Read previouis CAC Living Water Devotionals here


Thursday, September 9, 2021.


Read: Luke 18:1-8

[1]And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;

[2]Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man:

[3]And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.

[4]And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man;

[5]Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.

[6]And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith.

[7]And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?

[8]I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

MEMORISE: Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (James 5:16)


Because some people have failed in the place of prayer, they conclude that prayer does not work, that God isn't answering prayers. When you pray and it is as if the answer is not forthcoming, it is not enough to relax and conclude that prayer is not working, or that you know now begin to seek means to get answer to your request. No. Your miracle is on the way. God is working things out in your favour, only if you can believe and wait on Him. Just continue to pray. Pray until what you are asking for us done (Jn.16v24). He who cuts corners would eventually be cornered by the devil who would cut short his/her life.

The parable of Jesus about the widow who persisted in asking to be avenged by the judge becomes very relevant here. This woman is Jesus parable knew that she wanted from the judge and she won't stop until her demand is granted. This quality of persistence is what every achiever or successful person needs to possess. Without persistence, you cannot get anything done in your life. Quitter don't win and winners don't quit. Prayer don't answer for those who cannot persist with God. Jesus asked His disciples to watch with Him.

It takes persistence to watch. Are you a Christian who cannot hold on for some time? It is doubtful, if you will ever make Heaven, because since the day of John the Baptist, the kingdom of God suffers violence, and those who are violent take it by force (Matt.11v12 paraphrased).

The problem of many with prayer today, is that, they don't know what they need. So, when they ask, they ask amiss (cf.Jas.4v3). Many are sure of what they are asking but can't hold on, because they are too lazy to wait on God, whereas only those who wait on Him can laugh at last (Isa.40v31). Some others pray with unholy hands (1 Tim.2v8). To get prayer to work for you, you must offer it in righteousness, with holy hands, persistence and faith.


1. Lord, help me to hold on You, no matter the situation, give me the grace to pray until my prayer receives the right answer. 

2. The spirit to keep watching and be persistent in prayer, fall on me, in Jesus name. 

3. Lord, let there be the revival of right biblical praying that pleases You.

EXTRA READING FOR TODAY: Psalms 119:65 - 11:127, 1 Cor. 13:2 - 14:10

September 9, 2021 CAC Living Water Devotional : Topic - POWER OF PRAYER September 9, 2021 CAC Living Water Devotional : Topic - POWER OF PRAYER Reviewed by Muyiwa Abodunrin (Muyilight) on September 09, 2021 Rating: 5

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