January 25, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- FEED FOR LIFE AND FITNESS

--> Note :- Are you born again? You are never going to win the battle against the devil if you are not born again. I plead with you to give your life to Jesus today because the longer you stay in sin and remain unsaved, the more hardened your nature becomes against the purpose and the way God wants you to be for His purpose. To give your life to Jesus now, say this prayer: “Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus. I know that I am a sinner and I cannot save myself but Jesus died for me and shed His blood that I might be saved. Today, I accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Jesus, I ask You to come into my heart, be my Lord, wash me with Your blood and make me whole. I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is my Lord. Thank You for saving me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.” I congratulate you and welcome you to the family of God if you have sincerely said that prayer. Now you are fit to discover, know and walk in your destiny. Call our helpline on +2348037252124, Join Our Daily Whatsapp Devotionals Group : +2347033046607 for Daily Devotionals, crucial discipleship and counselling.s"
January 25, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- FEED FOR LIFE AND FITNESS

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TEXT:1 SAMUEL 30:11-20

MEMORY VERSE: "And they gave him a piece  of a cake of figs, and two  clusters of raisins: and  when he had eaten, his  spirit came again to him: for  he had eaten no bread, nor  drunk any water, three days  and three nights" (1 SAMUEL 30:12).

Fitness therapy is becoming popular because of the growing health challenges of people. Also, people now have more awareness of the need to keep fit to face the challenges of life. Due to this, special diets are recommended by fitness experts and medical personnel for people to take to keep healthy and fit.

On David's return from the battle field, he discovered that the Amalekites had invaded his abode, Ziklag, and burned it with fire. They also abducted their women and took their property. While pursuing the invaders, they found a sick servant of an Amalekite whom they gave food and water to regain his strength and health. He later led them to the camp of their enemies whom they defeated and recovered all they lost. There are lessons to derive from the story. God's children need to feed well on a balanced diet to be healthy to do their work and serve God effectively. Also, for spiritual growth and strength to triumph in battles of Christian life and ministry, believers must feed daily on the Word of God.

QUOTE: Feed daily on the Word of God.

CHALLENGE: Man needs to feed well on a balanced diet to be healthy.

PRAYER: Lord, feed me for life and fitness.
January 25, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- FEED FOR LIFE AND FITNESS January 25, 2020 Higher Everyday Devotional :- FEED FOR LIFE AND FITNESS Reviewed by Muyiwa Abodunrin (Muyilight) on January 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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