October 17, 2018 Catholic Daily Reflections : Topic - Woe to You!

--> Note :- Are you born again? You are never going to win the battle against the devil if you are not born again. I plead with you to give your life to Jesus today because the longer you stay in sin and remain unsaved, the more hardened your nature becomes against the purpose and the way God wants you to be for His purpose. To give your life to Jesus now, say this prayer: “Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus. I know that I am a sinner and I cannot save myself but Jesus died for me and shed His blood that I might be saved. Today, I accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Jesus, I ask You to come into my heart, be my Lord, wash me with Your blood and make me whole. I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is my Lord. Thank You for saving me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.” I congratulate you and welcome you to the family of God if you have sincerely said that prayer. Now you are fit to discover, know and walk in your destiny. Call our helpline on +2348037252124, Join Our Daily Whatsapp Devotionals Group : +2347033046607 for Daily Devotionals, crucial discipleship and counselling.s"
October 17, 2018 Catholic Daily Reflections : Topic - Woe to You!


“Woe to you! You are like unseen graves over which people unknowingly walk.” Then one of the scholars of the law said to him in reply, “Teacher, by saying this you are insulting us too.” And he said, “Woe also to you scholars of the law! You impose on people burdens hard to carry, but you yourselves do not lift one finger to touch them.”  Luke 11:44-46

What an interesting and somewhat surprising exchange between Jesus and this scholar of the law.  Here, Jesus is severely chastising the Pharisees and one of the scholars of the law tries to correct Jesus for being offensive.  And what does Jesus do?  He doesn’t back down or apologize for offending him; rather, He turns His severe rebuke to the scholar of the law.  That must have surprised him!

What’s interesting is that the scholar of the law points out that Jesus is “insulting” them.  And he points it out as if Jesus were committing a sin and in need of a rebuke.  So was Jesus insulting the Pharisees and scholar of the law?  Yes, He probably was.  Was that a sin on Jesus’ part?  Obviously not.  Jesus does not sin.

The mystery we face here is that sometimes the truth is “insulting,” so to speak.  It’s insulting to a person’s pride.  What’s most interesting is that when someone is insulted, they need to first realize that they are insulted because of their pride, not because of what the other person said or did.  Even if someone was overly harsh, feeling insulted is a result of pride.  If one were truly humble, then a rebuke would actually be welcomed as a helpful form of correction.  

Sadly, the scholar of the law appears to lack the necessary humility to let Jesus’ rebuke sink in and free him from his sin.
Reflect, today, upon whether or not you are humble enough to receive correction from another.  If someone points out your sin do you get offended?  Or do you take it as a useful correction and allow it to help you grow in holiness?

Click to read yesterday and previous days of Catholic Daily Reflections here

Lord, please give me true humility.  Help me to never be offended when corrected by others.  May I receive others’ corrections as graces to help me on my way to holiness.  Jesus, I trust in You.
October 17, 2018 Catholic Daily Reflections : Topic - Woe to You! October 17, 2018 Catholic Daily Reflections : Topic - Woe to You! Reviewed by Muyiwa Abodunrin (Muyilight) on October 17, 2018 Rating: 5

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